Author: Bullworthy Garage Equipment

Bullworthy invest further into health and safety.

Health and Safety is a policy that is of the utmost importance to all those here at Bullworthy Garage Equipment. Being accredited members of the Garage Equipment Association, the governing body of the installation and servicing of garage equipment in the United Kingdom and receiving membership to the Safe Contractor program which is one of […]

Meet the team – James.

In the upcoming weeks we will be running a series of meet the team segments to introduce you to the staff here at T.R Bullworthy. From engineers of our calibrations, servicing and installations team, to project managers and representatives of our sales and planning department. This week we are focussing on our calibrations department and […]

It’s all in the planning.

T.R Bullworthy have had the opportunity to be involved in the production of several premium brand workshops this year, Porsche Central and Lancaster McLaren to name just two. With sites on such a large scale, careful planning and project management are essential to ensuring workshops are delivered on time and to the clients expectations. This […]