Author: Bullworthy Garage Equipment

Tchek takes the hassle out of damage inspection!

Wouldn’t it be ideal if there was a solution in place where a vehicle could be checked for pre-existing damages to the bodywork and wheels, within five seconds of entering your workshop, and without any human involvement whatsoever? This ‘machine’ would not only offer complete transparency between you and the customer, but would save you […]

Power and Portability!

CV workshops are often extremely short for space considering the size of vehicle being inspected. This can have an impact on the overall productivity of the workshop due to how many vehicles can be worked on at one time. Having the ability to carry out works elsewhere away from the main workshop, perhaps outside, would […]

Taking Control of Fluid Inventory!

Can your workshop account for the usage of your fluid inventory? If the answer is no, then you could be in for a bit of a shock. Lost inventory equals lost profit and with the hike in lubricant prices, you simply can’t afford to be left in the dark. Thankfully there is a solution to […]