Author: Bullworthy Garage Equipment

Experts in Wheel Technology!

TECHNIQUE is continuing to build upon their reputation of suppling premium quality, European manufactured workshop equipment into all sectors of the aftersales marketplace. You will find the recognisable brand within dealer groups, independent workshops, tyre shops, and a range of unique applications which include automotive industrial sectors, agriculture, education, and motorsport, including Formula 1. TECHNIQUE […]

Landmark achievement!

Bullworthy, ‘The Specialists in Garage Equipment’, along with their fellow Trade Garage Equipment Group associates, are celebrating a remarkable landmark achievement within the garage equipment industry. Following a successful year in 2020, even despite the uncertainty thrust upon us all earlier in that same year, Trade Garage Equipment surpassed an unrivalled achievement of 10,000 Rotary […]

The future of tyre and wheel analysis!

The Technique T2800 series Tread reader marks a step change in tyre and wheel care technology. The fully automated, drive-over tyre measuring and scanning system is easy to use and incredibly fast! Even before the driver exits the vehicle, all tyre and wheel diagnostics are available. The Tread reader software does it all! Within seconds, […]