Category: Company News

DEA Worklab unveils new website!

DEA Worklab, world renowned specialists in workshop furniture and cabinetry have been hard at work renovating their existing state of the art website to improve the user experience and assist the customer in choosing the right solution to meet their requirements. With a brand new header design built to create a bigger impact, and a […]

Showcasing the best!

Bullworthy will only offer recognised premium workshop equipment. Premium brands not only ensure the highest possible standard for products, but will prove more reliable and efficient in use, reduce the cost of long-term ownership and will, most importantly, generally be safer to use. Our website showcases only the very best equipment available on the market, […]

A test of strength!

Did you know that Regulation 9 of LOLER [2] requires that vehicle lifts are thoroughly examined by a competent person after installation and before being put into use? A report of the thorough examination should be provided confirming whether the lift has been installed correctly and is safe to use. A load test should be […]