Category: Product News

Experts In Workshop Furniture.

DEA premium quality workshop cabinets and technical furniture are designed and manufactured in ltaly for the automotive workshops of tomorrow. Manufactured in module style, this allows design solutions to accommodate new-build installations or indeed to meet the constraints imposed within an existing workshop. For larger workshops typical of franchised dealer groups, DEA’s central service module […]

Keeping in ‘touch’ with the trends.

The garage equipment trade is one that is changing on a day to day basis. New technology is constantly being developed by equipment manufacturers to assist workshops with their day to day operations, making operation easier and increasing productivity. Ensuring your workshop keeps ahead of the modern trends and embracing new technologies will put your […]

Simply untouchable!

The fume extraction system plays a fundamental role inside the modern workshop. Fumes must be dealt with inside the workplace in an efficient manner; failure to extract these potentially hazardous fumes will eventually pollute the workplace putting staff and possibly customers in harm’s way. The biggest problem with exhaust extraction systems is finding the correct […]