August’s Top Picks!

The garage equipment trade is one that is constantly evolving with products and services being introduced to the market each year. As a consumer, the prospect of sifting through the endless amounts of possible equipment solutions can be quite daunting. Luckily here at Bullworthy’s, we have you covered! Each month we will be presenting you […]

July’s Top Equipment Picks – Summer Edition!

The garage equipment trade is one that is constantly evolving with products and services being introduced to the market each year. As a consumer, the prospect of sifting through the endless amounts of possible equipment solutions can be quite daunting. Luckily here at Bullworthy’s, we have you covered! Each month we will be presenting you […]

Seeing the light!

The essence of any good headlamp test machine is to have high-quality optics that produce a clearly defined image, combined with an effective system for ensuring accurate alignment to a headlamp and the ability to maintain this to a high standard of performance. Any headlamp tester destined for use within an MOT & ATL installation […]