Electric and Hybrid vehicles (EHVs) can present a lethal danger to unprotected and untrained service and repair technicians. By law, anyone intending to work on Electric, Hybrid or PEHV (Plug-in Electric Hybrid) vehicles must obtain an IMI Accredited Level 3 qualification. With voltages reaching up to 600v DC, you simply cannot afford to take risks when dealing with such hazardous materials. By working with leading industry professionals, Bullworthy are able to offer a comprehensive range of safety solutions to warn and protect your employees in the workplace.
Our Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Personal Protection products include Class 0 Insulating Gloves, Dielectric Rubber Floor Mats and Rubber Boots as well as Full Face Arc Protection Visors to name just a few in the range. With comfort overruling style these items may not look the prettiest but ensure the job gets done with maximum competence and efficiency – Ensuring technicians are able to carry out tasks as safely as possible!
Just as important as personal protective equipment is the ability to warn those around you of the presence of Electric and Hybrid vehicles in the workshop. Without the proper equipment in place to prevent unauthorised personnel from straying into areas of possible danger, this can often end up resulting in serious injury. Bullworthy can supply Hazard Area Barrier Systems incorporating posts, chains, and signage to ensure those who are not supposed to be in the area are well informed of this fact!
If you would like to find out more about our range of EHV protection equipment or would like to discuss your requirements in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team who would be more than happy to assist with your enquiry.
Alternatively, you can download our complete range brochure by clicking here!