Don’t get left behind!

The introduction of electric vehicles to the motor industry has taken the world by storm with an estimated *520,000 pure-electric, and *930,000 plug-in-hybrids (PHEV) on UK roads alone. With these unprecedented numbers in mind, it’s important to ensure that your workshop stays ahead of the curve and can handle the maintenance of said vehicles, so you don’t get left behind. Thankfully, Bullworthy has a range of equipment specifically designed to cater to this field.

The TECHNIQUE range of electronic vehicle table lifts are equipped with adjustable lifting platforms capable of handling up to 1.4 tonnes, specifically designed to aid in disassembling vehicle battery packs, engines, and transmissions from electric vehicles. The ergonomic design allows for easy transition around the workshop thanks to the lift’s sturdy caster wheels, and once inside the work bay, the technician can manoeuvre around the lift with ease whilst providing ample space under the vehicle to carry out work.

These are just some of the many key features that make it the perfect lift for carrying out such work. So much so, it has already gained preference by some of the major vehicle manufacturers in the trade.

Are you looking to future proof your workshop? Want to find out more about the Techniquerange of electric vehicle lifting equipment and how it can assist you with this process? Contact our sales team on (01295) 768373 and select option 1 at the menu, or alternatively you can email them at

* Data correct as of July 2022.

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